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Typologie okresů České republiky (podle struktury zaměstnaných s důrazem na odvětví zpracovatelského průmyslu)

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Title in English THE TYPOLOGY OF CZECH REPUBLIC DISTRICTS (according to the structure of emplyed with the emphasis on the branch of the manufacturing industry)


Year of publication 2002
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Regionální rozvoj / regionalizace. Sborník referátů z XX. jublilejního sjezdu ČGS.
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Economics and Administration

Field Earth magnetism, geography
Keywords structure of employment; changes; Czech Republic districts; manufacturing industry
Description The article deals with the changes in the structure of employment in the Czech Republic districts after 1989. The changes are demonstrated by the typology of the districts either according to the number of labourers in the basic sectors of economy or according to partial branches of the manufacturing industry.
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