Project information
Deindustrialization in Europe and its Regional Context

Project Identification
Project Period
1/2023 - 12/2023
Investor / Pogramme / Project type
Masaryk University
MU Faculty or unit
Faculty of Economics and Administration

Post-industrial cities usually have a unique character which is reflected in their urban structure. We can observe dynamic changes of urban structures in post-industrial cities that had happened in the past, but have shaped cities until today. This project aims at understanding events and socio-economic background that have had an influence on the formation of contemporary cities in Europe. In terms of the project, data will be collected, socio-economic facts will be analyzed and urban redevelopment strategies influencing the formation of post-industrial cities of Europe will be discussed.
On the basis of the initial stage of this project, which includes the process of gathering data on the economic base of the selected post-industrial cities (Manchester, Sunderland, Brno, Ostrava), the project will focus on the description of the most important events that happened in their industrial history. The main objective of the project is to understand the industrial and socio-economic background of the selected cities, evaluate their recent development strategies and prepare materials and paper drafts that can be presented at conferences or submitted for publication. In order to achieve this objective, social, economic and political approaches to development at both national and regional level need to be studied. Another objective is to discuss the contemporary challenges that affect the development of post-industrial cities. The outputs of this project are directly connected to the student´s research topic as well as the first part of her research plan and will lead to creating the first draft of two chapters of her dissertation thesis. The project will follow research that was carried out at Masaryk University under the MUNI/A/1406/2021 project called Specific factors of the competitive development at regional and local level.


Total number of publications: 2

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