Project information
The Comparison of Social Communication of Intellectual Talented Pupils with Common Population Pupils in the Educational Process

Project Identification
Project Period
1/2009 - 12/2009
Investor / Pogramme / Project type
Masaryk University
MU Faculty or unit
Faculty of Education
Gifted children, education of gifted children, common population, Framework educational programme for primary education, social communication, communicative skills

In this project, intellectual talented pupils will be confronted by the questionnaire survey and observation during the lessons together with common population, mainly in the sphere of communication and communicating competention in connection with the requirements of RVP ZV.
The attention will be concentrated on the explication of the characteristics in the communication between the teacher and intellectual talented children in the view of the teacher.
The research was verified by pre-research in the South Moravian region in 2008.


In this project, intellectual talented pupils were confronted by the questionnaire survey and observation during the lessons together with common population, mainly in the sphere of communication and communicating competention in connection with the requirements of RVP ZV.
The attention was concentrated on the explication of the characteristics in the communication between the teacher and intellectual talented children in the view of the teacher.
Whereas it participatory schools, with the results of the project are aware of the investigation, research results and proposals for measures contribute to increase support for gifted individuals.

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