Project information
Interdisciplinary Approaches in Fine Art Workshops for Mentally Handicapped and Their Presentation

Project Identification
Project Period
1/2009 - 12/2009
Investor / Pogramme / Project type
Masaryk University
MU Faculty or unit
Faculty of Education
Art workshop, action art, performance, theatre, new media, mentally handicapped, iterdisciplinarity, publication, web sites, web prezentation

The research project aims at widening of a successful faculty project no. MUNI/41/028/2008 dealing with so far unexplored possibilities of interdisciplinary approaches to creative work during workshops outlined for mentally handicapped people. Besides the realization of the workshops, there will be created also bilingual web sites monitoring partial project sections from its origin to present. These sites will serve as a didactic material for FoE students.


There was created website ( about art workshops using new media within art workshops composed for people with intellectual disabilities. The website contains all materials acquired since 2005 including english version.

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