Project information
Informatics as the third methodology

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Project Identification
Project Period
1/1998 - 1/2000
Investor / Pogramme / Project type
Czech Science Foundation
MU Faculty or unit
Faculty of Informatics

This project is motivated by the general and urgent need to clarify the substance of informatics as a new methodology and as well as to identify the ways in which this methodology will impact research and education. The applicants have concentrated on th is area over longer period of time and they have already published results in this area.The principal goal of this project is two - fold. First , it will analyse the informatics in a systematic and broad context as a new fundamental science and a new fun damental methodology and the forms and structures in which this nature of informatics manifests itself. Second , it will result in publications which will target the scientific community as well as the educated public in a broader sense with the aim of speeding up the introduction of the new methodology in a suitable way into both the research and the education in a range of disciplines. Informatics have achieved a number of outstanding scientific and technological results , yet a deeper and broader u


Total number of publications: 47

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