Publication details

Entangled graphs

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PLESCH Martin BŮŽEK Vladimír

Year of publication 2002
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Quantum Information and Computing
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Informatics

Field Theoretical physics
Keywords quantum entanglement; multi-partite systems
Description We study how bi-partite quantum entanglement (measured in terms of a concurrence) can be shared in multi-qubit systems. We introduce a concept of the {\em entangled graph} such that each qubit of a multi-partite system is associated with a vertex while a bi-partite entanglement between two specific qubits is represented by an edge. We prove that any entangled graph can be associated with a {\em pure} state of a multi-qubit system. We also derive bounds on the concurrence for some weighted entangled graphs (the weight corresponds to the value of concurrence associated with the given edge).
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