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Total number of projects: 1303
YEM and MUES 2025 (MUNI/B/1773/2024)
MU Researcher: Mgr. Martin Guzi, Ph.D. MU Faculty or unit: Faculty of Economics and Administration Project Period: 1/2025 — 12/2025Investor: Masaryk University / Specific research - student scientific conferences -
Youth workers and the threat of vicarious trauma in the professional field An Integrative self-care (2023-1-EE01-KA220-YOU-000159097)
MU Researcher: Mgr. et Mgr. Markéta Košatková, Ph.D. MU Faculty or unit: Faculty of Education Project Period: 10/2023 — 12/2025Investor: European Union / Erasmus+ Key Action 2: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices -
Zdenek Andrysik Research Group: Molecular Mechanisms of Cancer (MUNI/11/JRG/0230/2024)
MU Researcher: RNDr. Zdeněk Andrysík, Ph.D. MU Faculty or unit: Faculty of Medicine Project Period: 3/2024 — 2/2027Investor: Masaryk University /