Publication details

(Ne)podnošljivost jezičnih odstupanja

Title in English (Non)tolerability of language errors


Year of publication 2012
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Prolínání slovanských prostředí
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Field Linguistics
Keywords process of learning; foreign Slavonic language; grammatical and lexical errors
Attached files
Description There is a widespread belief among the Czech language speakers that it is easy to learn Croatian because it is a Slavonic language and they have managed to get along in the Slavonic language territory so far. The aim of the paper is to demonstrate that the process of learning a foreign Slavonic language is quite demanding for the speakers of Czech, because they are overburdened by a high level of similarity between their mother tongue and a studied language. Therefore, this affinity is ambiguously useful (it enables both favourable and unfavourable transfer). The analysis of grammatical and lexical errors excerpted from the works of students of Croatian illustrate the fact that neglecting the use of vocabularies and language handbooks very easily leads to misunderstanding of the original text.

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