Publication details

Salvation and disciplining of charity in 18th century Southern Moravia


MALÝ Tomáš

Year of publication 2012
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Time in the age of enlightenment : 13th international congress for eighteenth-century studies
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Field History
Keywords salvation; system of charity; dead masses; enlightenment; Habsburg monarchy; 18th century
Description The study attempts to engage with the issue of the change in the concept of charitable care in the second half of the 18th c. It responds to the conclusions of previous research, according to which there took place during the Enlightenment a rationalization, institutionalization and increased organization of the charitable system, which was meant to have contributed inter alia to the suppression of the previous close linkage between charitable activity and man's salvation. Based on a detailed study of the conditions in the royal town of Brno, the author demonstrates that in the area of the burghers charitable work Enlightenment measures are clearly reflected, nevertheless here, in contrast to many other locations, there was no decline in charitable work or any erosion in popularity of traditional charitable institutions. Even at the end of the Josephine period baroque charity was not suppressed and a tight bond still prevailed between charitable activity and man s salvation.

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