Publication details

Modely atmosférických jevů

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Title in English Models of atmospheric phenomena


Year of publication 2012
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Veletrh nápadů učitelů fyziky 17, Sborník z konference
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Citation MILÉŘ, Tomáš. Modely atmosférických jevů (Models of atmospheric phenomena). In Věra Koudelková. Veletrh nápadů učitelů fyziky 17, Sborník z konference. 1st ed. Praha: JČMF, 2012, p. 213-218. ISBN 978-80-87343-13-5.
Field Pedagogy and education
Keywords education, physics, models, atmospheric phenomena, experiments
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Description The paper describes 7 selected models that simply illustrate specific phenomena in the Earth's atmosphere or atmospheric properties: 1. composition of the atmosphere, 2. vertical mass distribution of the atmosphere, 3. refraction of sunlight in the atmosphere, 4. sky polarization, 5. tornado, 6. weather fronts and 7. statistical relationship of extreme weather and global climate change.
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