Publication details

Ohlédnutí za historií a současností Československé biologické společnosti v Brně

Title in English To the history and present of the Czechoslovak Biological Society in Brno

ČECH Svatopluk

Year of publication 2012
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Almanach 90. výročí založení společnosti 1922-2012
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Medicine

Field Morphological specializations and cytology
Keywords Czechoslovak biological society; history; organizational structure; activities and meetings
Description The Biological Society as a communicating forum of workers in biology and biomedicine was established by the 18th of January 1922 on board of the Medical Faculty of Masaryk University. In 1924, the Society expanded its influence throughout the whole republic and was simultaneously renamed to the Czechoslovak Biological Society. Due close cooperation between the Czech and Slovak biologists and participation of them in common research projects, the society uses this historic name also after the split of the Czechoslovak Republic. It currently has 1182 members. There are summarized some data covering history of the society, its current development and structure, as well as its important activities.

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