Publication details

Results from the two projects in part “Language and communication” mapping the teaching of Russian as foreign language to pupils with specific learning difficulties in the Czech Republic.

Title in English Results from the Two Projects in Part “Language and Communication” Mapping the Teaching of Russian as Foreign Language to Pupils with Specific Learning Difficulties in the Czech Republic


Year of publication 2012
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference New directions in teaching foreign languages
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Citation GRENAROVÁ, Renée. Results from the two projects in part “Language and communication” mapping the teaching of Russian as foreign language to pupils with specific learning difficulties in the Czech Republic. (Results from the Two Projects in Part “Language and Communication” Mapping the Teaching of Russian as Foreign Language to Pupils with Specific Learning Difficulties in the Czech Republic). In Božena Horváthová (et al.). New directions in teaching foreign languages. 1. vyd. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2012, p. 29-48. ISBN 978-80-210-6003-6.
Field Pedagogy and education
Keywords teaching; research; Russian language; specific learning difficulties; dysgraphia; integration; pupil; teacher
Attached files
Description The paper presents results from research of the two projects in the field of education Language and communication. The first research focuses to map the current situation in the teaching of Russian language and the analysis of teacher's opinion on integration of pupils with specific learning difficulties into Russian lessons in the region of South Moravia at senior primary grades and in the lower grades of multiannual grammar schools. Second research is devoted to conditions of Russian language to pupils with dysgraphia.
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