Publication details

Parodontitida – speciální diagnostické postupy, vyšetření parodontálních patogenů

Title in English Periodontal disease – special diagnostic procedures, examination of periodontal pathogens


Year of publication 2012
Type Article in Periodical
Keywords dental plaque, microorganisms, periodonal pathogens, diagnosis
Description The relationship between the presence of microorganisms in dental plaque and periodontal inflammation has led to a development of specific diagnostic procedures. They complete the basic clinical and radiographic findings and enable microbiological analysis. In recent years, there are also special tests for dentist available. They allow a more accurate diagnosis and treatment of inflammatory periodontal diseases. The relationship between the presence of microorganisms in dental plaque and periodontal inflammation has led to a development of specific diagnostic procedures. They complete the basic clinical and radiographic findings and enable microbiological analysis. In recent years, there are also special tests for dentist available. They allow a more accurate diagnosis and treatment of inflammatory periodontal diseases.

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