Publication details

K metodologickým standardům kvantitativních studií v pedagogice: Jak psát o výzkumných zjištěních?

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Title in English Methodological standards of quantitative studies in educational sciences: How to write about research findings?


Year of publication 2013
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Pedagogická orientace
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Citation Chyba/Error
web Full-text v časopisu Pedagogická orientace 2013/4
Field Pedagogy and education
Keywords quantitative educational research; research report standard; publication standard; empirical studies; APA style; Czech educational science journals
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Description The paper discusses the main purpose of (quantitative) empirical studies as a part of a knowledge base of educational science. The quality and standard of presentation and publication of the results of quantitative research is therefore one of the ever relevant themes of (not only Czech) educational science. Thus the quality of (quantitative) empirical studies is closely linked to the general discussion of methodological standards of the discipline. Our study begins with a discussion about why to publish research results and consequently, how to publish them. The theoretical basis of the discussion about methodological standard of reporting educational research is formed by international publication standards (e.g. APA, AERA) and methodological literature. By analysing the requirements of Czech peerreviewed journals and major Czech conferences on educational research we discuss in the second part of our study what is explicitly required and what would be at present appropriate to require from research and empirical educational studies in the Czech environment, in the context of international practice and standards. We refer to the Czech situation and its consequences – the journals and conference committees do not specify their methodological requirements or standards and assume its implicit sharing in a situation where there is only part of the Czech version of the standards of the educational science available.
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