Publication details

Pití alkoholu, černé kávy a kouření u prezenčních studentů Masarykovy univerzity

Title in English Drinking alcohol, coffee and smoking among full-time Masaryk University


Year of publication 2013
Type Conference abstract
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Description There were 9993 full-time students of all faculties of Masaryk University anonymously questioned about the frequency and circumstances of using alcohol, tobacco and black coffee. More than three quarters of respondents have smoked during their life, for the first time usually at the age of 10 to 18 years, 36% of them smoked in the last day and week. Almost all respondents have drunk alcohol. Women reported more occasional drinking unlike men, who reported regular drinking. They reported the first experience with alcohol at the age of 10 to 18 years, 72% consumed alcohol in the last day and week before the study. Black coffee drinking was reported by 84% of respondents and regular consumers include more women. Most respondents experienced coffee for the first time between 15 to 18 year, 54% of the respondents drank black coffee in the last day and week before the study. Monitored substances are highly tolerated and often used by respondents.
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