Publication details

Reduplikace jako slovotvorný prostředek v češtině a ve francouzštině

Title in English Reduplication as a word-formative means in Czech and in French


Year of publication 2013
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Přednášky a besedy ze XLVI. běhu LŠSS
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Field Linguistics
Keywords Czech; French; interjection; reduplication; diminutive; language registers; comparison
Description The paper study the reduplication as an implement of new word-formation in French as well as in Czech linguistic systems. It is compared its use, frequency of appearance and functions in both languages, their common lines and their difference. In process of acquirement of the language by children and in the course of the formation of interjections, the reduplication is a principal word s formative mean in both the languages. Contrary to Czech, French widely uses the reduplication in the argot and it represents highly productive word-formative instrument.

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