Publication details


Title in English Gnosticism


Year of publication 2013
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

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Description Gnosticism was one of the major religious-philosophical systems of the late antiquity. This textbook attempts to give a brief history of Gnosticism in the ancient world with special focus on the big gnostic systems of the second and third century AD. It represents the most important sources available for the contemporary research on Gnosticism and also briefly summarizes research history of modern study of Gnosticism. It extensively deals with the basic building blocks of the Gnostic vision of the world, his conception of the world and its nature, the creation of mankind and its path to achieve salvation. It presents the most significant currents of ancient Gnosticism, Sethian and Valentinian gnosis, and pays also attention to Manichaeism and Mandaism which were also influences by Gnostic ideas.

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