Publication details

Ferdinand Peroutka : pour une liberté de parole démocratique

Title in English Ferdinand Peroutka : Freedom of Democratic Speech


Year of publication 2013
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Nouveaux Cahiers François Mauriac
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Field Mass media, audiovision
Keywords François Mauriac; Ferdinand Peroutka; journalism; history of the 20th century
Attached files
Description The paper presents the work of the Czech journalist Ferdinand Peroutka (1895-1978), who was the main commentator on the political development of the so-called First Czechoslovak Republic. His work, as well as his political stance, is more than similar to that of the Nobel laureate François Mauriac (1885-1970) – an author of immense moral and intellectual significance. They both, in their own respective ways, accompanied their compatriots on the path to democracy and freedom. The comparison of the moral and political attitude of these two authors brings some most interesting parallels.

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