Publication details

Status mimetických obrazově vizuálních mediálních produktů, aneb úvaha nad magrittovským problémem "Ceci n'est pas une pipe"

Title in English Status of mimetic visual media products or a reflection of the Magritte's problem "Ceci n'est pas une pipe"


Year of publication 2010
Type Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Social Studies

Description This paper deals with the problem formulated in following question; what semiotic status do the mimetic visual art media products have? It defines the postulates of visual grammar of visual media texts, ie. the paradigm and syntagma of iconic texts and specifies these categories and illustrates the basic types of media products (sculptures, paintings, book illustrations, photographs, maps, gallery installations, silent, animated, puppet film, pantomime and ballet). The paper comes to the conclusion that also ready-mades, gallery and museum installation material cultural products and projects have the status of media sign texts, which are subjected to sign codesand therefore not only Magitte's painted pipe but not even the real pipe, exhibited in a gallery is not a pipe anymore but a sign text that carries th literal iconic or symbolic meanings.

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