Publication details

Modelling of physical phenomena in teaching process



Year of publication 2014
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Matematika, informatika a aplikované vědy (MITAV 2014)
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Field Pedagogy and education
Keywords Dynamic model; modeling; web; ICT education
Attached files
Description Paper and realized research dealing with the problem of the making and use of computer models in school teaching. Work with models and even with the computer can be understood as inter-subject binding, for example, between physics and mathematics, computer science, technology, or other objects. Modelling of phenomena or processes is used in engineering and science, however we can also take advantage of his strengths in education. Computer models, work with graphs and other visual means to help to students understanding of phenomena and processes. The paper presents an extended Web dynamic modeling in physics developed by using PHP and JavaScript. It is an easily accessible tool for teaching at all levels of education. This tool was created based on our research among teachers. The research survey was conducted through an e-questionnaire. The aim of the research was to determine the current status of the development and use of computer models in education at primary and secondary schools in the Czech Republic and Slovakia.

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