Publication details

Chování a zdraví III : Psychosociální faktory, životní styl a komplexní choroby

Title in English Behaviour and health III : Psychosocial factors, lifestyle and complex diseases

KUNZOVÁ Šárka HRUBÁ Drahoslava ŘIMÁK Pavel SOCHOR Ondřej

Year of publication 2014
Type Article in Periodical
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Medicine

Field Hygiene
Keywords civilixation-linked diseases prevention; psychosocial health determinants
Description Psychosocial factors significandy participate in the pathogenesis of complex diseases. Their effects correspond to the bio-psycho-social concept of health and disease on many levels. Brain functions, behaviour and immunity are closely linked and responsive to the environmental context. The effects of chronic psychosocial stress are described by the allostatic load model which high-lights dynamic adjustment of biological processes and the importance of the brain for feedback regulation in adapting to the environment. The personality of an individual, his cognitive and emotional characteristics, quality of social relationships and socioeconomic factors modify stress load and have a direct and indirect impact on health. Many of the effects of psychosocial factors are mediated epigenetically. In the early development epigenetic mechanisms form the vulnerability to stress-related pathologies. Psychological, genetic, behavioural and environmental factors continuously interact. The indirect effects of psychosocial factors are contained in the modification of behaviour and lifestyle. These effects are bidirectional, because lifestyle in turn has an impact on mental and physical health. Approaches aimed at promoting resilience to stress play an important role in prevention.

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