Publication details

Historická perspektiva ochrany člověka při přírodních katastrofách

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Title in English Historical perspective of civil protection against natural disasters


Year of publication 2014
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference XXXII International Colloquium on the Management of Educational Process: Proceedings of abstracts and electronic version of reviewed contributions on CD-ROM.
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Field Pedagogy and education
Keywords Civil protection, intergenerational transfer of information, education, natural disasters, global climate change.
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Description The topic Civil Protection returns to Czech elementary and middle schools and by the government command this topic should also be taught at faculties of education. The need to prepare future generations to face potential risks has always existed. The content of education reflects current needs of society and probability of emergencies; at present it is particularly important to strengthen the readiness of citizens for natural disasters. Intergenerational transfer of experience with natural disasters has proved to be useful and in the history of mankind has deep roots. In the 2nd half of this century the Earth's conditions will become extreme due to the global climate change. The humanity has no experience with such conditions yet and preparation of future generations for natural disasters is possible only to a limited extent.
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