Publication details

La relevancia del criterio semántico en la delimitación de los procedimientos lexicogenéticos en espaňol

Title in English The relevance of semantic criteria in the delimitation of word formation processes in Spanish


Year of publication 2014
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Quo vadis, Romanística?
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Field Linguistics
Keywords Spanish; word formation processes; delimitation; semantic criteria
Description The article deals with the different semantic criteria and their relevance in the delimitation of word formation processes in Spanish. Although the semantic properties of the derivative affixes (prefixes, suffixes and interfixes) play an important role in the classification and distinction of these morphemes from other types of linguistic elements (word stems, inflectional affixes or mere phonetic segments), the use of semantic criteria in this field varies from an author to another and generally shows a high degree of subjectivity.

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