Publication details

Governance of social services in the Czech Republic in a comparative perspective: Crucial trends and changes in social services in the CR in comparison to DK, GER and the UK in the last decade



Year of publication 2013
Type Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Social Studies

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Description Due to the contemporary societal trends social services are becoming more important in welfare state architecture than in the past. In the proposed article we are dealing the question whether the development of selected Czech social services is following (dis)similar trends when compared to the other EU countries. Two areas of social services (childcare and elderly care) will be analysed with focus on the key aspects of governance in child care and elderly care: financing, regulation and service delivery, how they developed during past ten years in the Czech Republic, in comparison to other states that represent different welfare regime (liberal United Kingdom, conservative Germany and social-democratic Denmark).

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