Publication details

The influence of political changes and changes in the educational system on motivational texts about history of chemistry in Czech chemistry textbooks



Year of publication 2014
Type Chapter of a book
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Description As the Czech Republic underwent several important political changes and also curriculum changes, the authors of this text decided to find out how these changes affected motivational texts about history of chemistry in Czech chemistry textbooks for lower secondary schools. The second aim was to find out whether these changes resulted into better motivational function of mentions about history of chemistry or not. The result of the research is that (unlike the remaining periods) no continuous texts about biography of important chemists were published in the period 1969 – 1989. Although mentions about biographies can be found in chemistry textbooks issued after 1989, they are significantly shorter than in the period 1945 – 1968 and they are not as narrative as in the period 1945 – 1968. The result of the second part of the research (a questionnaire survey) is that the most important evaluation criterion for pupils is the length of the text. The limit was extimated to be approximately 150-200 words. Moreover, 15 % pupils answered that the do not like the mentions about history of chemistry because they dislike history.

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