Publication details

Diskurzivní analýza v sociálně pedagogickém výzkumu diverzity žáků



Year of publication 2015
Type Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Citation SEDLÁKOVÁ, Markéta. Diskurzivní analýza v sociálně pedagogickém výzkumu diverzity žáků. In Škola a její křižovatky. 2015.
Description Multiculturality is a charakteristic of today's civilized world. The meeting of different cultures, people, languages, habits, symbols, and different forms of behavior result in many new situations in all dimensions of life. The indisputable difiiculty of coming to grips with these aspects of the late modern era is an area of interest for social pedagogy. Contemporary educational practice must reflect current sociocultural problems and the diverse environments from which socail actors - students and their teachesrs - come. Multiculturality alongside classroom education have become topics that affect society-wide discourse. Considering the possibilities oddefed by knowledge and its orientation towards taking pluralistic views, we assume that it is an approach (although it is not the only, exhaustive one) that is inspiring for social pedagogy and, by extension, the humanities.
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