Publication details

Digitální informační kurátorství a jeho využití v konstruktivisticky orientovaném vzdělávání

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Title in English Curating Digital Information and Its Use in Constructivist-oriented Education

ČERNÝ Michal

Year of publication 2015
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference INFORUM 2015: 21. ročník konference o profesionálních informačních zdrojích
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Field Documentation, library studies, information management
Keywords curatorship; constructivism; metadata; Bibblo
Description Digital information curatorship is one of the most interesting and most creative activities that common librarian can perform – to obtain information on a certain topic, aggregate resources. Can perform metadata description sets, evaluate them, giving context and collections of these objects and „packages“ graphically appropriate form to offer the end user. This presentation will address the issue of curating information in the context of constructivist pedagogy, which is based on work done with the knowledge and interests of each individual. The phenomenon of digital information curating integrates the context of personalized learning environments and personalized education systems. An interesting and well-ordered packages processed with electronic information sources will become an important component of complement the conventional e-learning and the learning process and create an interesting bridge between librarianship and pedagogy. They are not only challenging but also a question mark in relation to competency standards for teachers and librarians.
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