Publication details

K problematike zrodu a formovania prvých ženských periodík na slovenskej literárnej pôde

Title in English Inception and Formation of the First Women´s Periodicals in Slovak Literary Area


Year of publication 2015
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Literárny život v minulosti a dnes
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Field Mass media, audiovision
Keywords Slovak literature; women's periodicals; women's emancipation movement; Dennica; Terézia Vansová
Description The author of the paper Inception and formation of the first women's journal in Slovak literary area wants to introduce conditions of formation the first Slovak woman's journal – Dennica – she conducts a survey of period, when there were first attempts of creating women´s journal in Slovak area in the late 19th century and she describes the real historical events result from Dennica was really created. The reader will be able to find in this paper the first receptions of Dennica; problems which threatened Dennica being. On the basis research archive materials the author also introduces Dennica´s content propagated by Terézia Vansová, Dennica's editor.

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