Publication details

Not that much digitally challenged? Civic participation and media-related practices in the Czech society

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Year of publication 2015
Type Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
Description New media became one of the best-selling topics in research of civic and political participation and political communication. However, the more detailed inquiry into the relation between the civic participation and the whole complex of media-related practices (including both old and new media) is rather missing yet. Therefore, after several qualitative pilot studies, we have decided to use survey techniques to map both the full range of media-related practices of the Czech society and the participatory practices of the Czech citizens. Our aim was to get the map of whole population and, at the same time, to test our assumptions based on conclusions from the qualitative inquiries. The paper, based on our 2014 survey of the general Czech population (N=1998) and employing a concept of media ensembles (clusters of media-related practices typical for specific segments of the population), uncovers relations between participatory practices and styles of media consumption / uses. The research is, among others, testing hypothesis that the media ensembles representing specific forms of cultural capital are related to the willingness to participate in civic and political life and to the forms of such participation. The data thus enable us illustrate the specifics in media-related practices – from TV news and TV shows to reading books and social networking sites – of those who do not participate at all, those participating in traditional ways and citizens preferring online participation.
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