Publication details

Dirk Panhuis. Gramatika latiny. Přel. L. Pultrová.Praha: Academia, 2014. 284 s. (rec.)

Title in English Dirk Panhuis. Latin Grammar. Transl. by. L. Pultrová.Praha: Academia, 2014. 284 s. (rec.)


Year of publication 2015
Type Popularization text
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description The article is a review of Czech version of Dirk Panhuis´ "Latin Grammar", translated and adapted by L. Pultrová. The review compares Panhuis´ book with older Czech grammars of Latin and appreciates it as an introduction to contemporary Latin linguistics. Supplements concerning comparison between Latin and Czech, which were provided by L. Pultrová, deserve positive evaluation as well.

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