Publication details

The impact of political changes on the use of Latin script in Russian texts


ŠPAČKOVÁ Stanislava

Year of publication 2015
Type Article in Periodical
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Web Digitální knihovna FF MU
Field Linguistics
Keywords proper names; translation; transfer of proper names; translation studies; history of translation methods; transcription; direct graphic transfer; international communication
Description Language is one of the most important parts of national culture and identity and therefore can be (ab)used as a powerful source of political power. Some forms of language exploitation (not necessarily meant in a negative way) can be found in an effort to express national interests and preferences by means of using/banning foreign words (which can either boost or prevent international relations). Nouns and proper names are the most commonly adopted foreign words. This paper focuses on the usage of foreign proper names in Russian texts during different periods of time (19th–21st centuries) and tries to answer the question as to why during some periods, proper names preserved the original Latin script in texts written in Russian, whereas in other times, Cyrillic transcription was preferred.
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