Publication details

Ozvěna filosoficko-dějinných myšlenek Ernsta Troeltsche v českém prvorepublikovém dějepisectví

Title in English An Echo of Philosophical-historical Thought of Ernst Troeltsch in the Czech Historigraphy of the First Republic


Year of publication 2015
Type Article in Periodical
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Field History
Keywords Ernst Troeltsch; history of historiography; philosophy of history; historicism; historical development; values
Description The study inquires into the popularity and reception of the theoretic-methodological and philosophic-historical thought of Ernst Troeltsch by the Czech historians in the interwar period and at the same time compares Troeltsch's concepts with the theories of his Czech recipients. The main aim of the author is to analyze how did the Czech historians perceive the ratio of the historical study to the philosophy of history, the relationship of historical development and values and the problem of historical relativism.
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