Publication details

Průzkum stavebních materiálů a geomorfologie hradu Vildenberk u Pozořic, okr. Brno-venkov

Title in English The Research of Building Materials and Geomorphology of the Vildenberk Castle near Pozořice, Brno-venkov District


Year of publication 2014
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Vlastivědný věstník moravský
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Field Archaeology, anthropology, ethnology
Keywords Moravia; hrad; Middle Ages; Vildenberk; building materials
Description The interdisciplinary research of the South Moravian castle ruins Vildenberk focuses on building materials among other things. In this area, a more detailed characterization of geomorphology and geology of the castle promontory and its surrounding has been acquired, which is important for studying of the process of quarrying, transport and use of building materials in times of construction of the castle. The current knowledge about various types of building material used for construction of the castle Vildenberk has been recently expanded by information gained partly during research of an illegally excavated backfill of a castle cistern and also when prospecting newly discovered manufacturing objects in the foreland of the castle.
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