Publication details

Výzkumy subjektivních teorií učitelů v kontextu profesního rozvoje: přehledová studie

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Title in English Research on teachers‘ subjective theories in the context of professional development: a review


Year of publication 2015
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Studia paedagogica
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

web Studie přináší přehled vybraných výzkumů subjektivních teorií učitelů a identifikuje klíčové koncepty a souvislosti v jejich rámci tematizované – zejména vztah kvality subjektivních teorií učitelů, kvality výuky a profesního rozvoje učitelů.
Field Pedagogy and education
Keywords teachers’ subjective theories; quality of instruction; cognition guiding teachers‘ acting; wisdom of practice; in-service teacher education; professional development of teachers
Description The paper reviews research on teachers‘ subjective theories and identifies key concepts and relevant contexts, namely the relationship between the quality of teachers’ subjective theories and the quality of instruction and teachers‘ professional development. The focus lies on research that methodologically builds on studies carried out in the 1980s and 1990s. Some of the studies show that the discrepancies between teachers‘ thinking and acting can be attributed to psychological phenomena such as self-efficacy. Towards the end of the paper, opportunities and questions are discussed of using the findings of basic research into teachers‘ subjective theories for the purposes of initiating changes in teachers‘ thinking and acting as part of educational research and teachers’ professional development in the Czech Republic.
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