Publication details

Radikální fertilitu zachovávající operační výkony u gynekologických malignit - pětiletý soubor

Title in English Radical fertility preserving surgery of gynaecological malignancies - five-year-old file


Year of publication 2015
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Česká gynekologie
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Medicine

Field Gynaecology and obstetrics
Keywords radical fertility preserving surgery; simple vaginal trachelectomy; adnexectomy; lymphadenectomy
Description Objective: Analysls of radlcal fertility preserving surgery, oncogynaecologtcal treatment tncluding the r pregnancy effort. Design: Prospective study. Setting: Department of Obstetrlcs and Gynaeco ogy, lVasaryk University and Faculty lospital Brno. Methods: The group of 13 patients in age fifteen to thirty-six, who underwent radical fert ity preservinq surgery of oncogyneco ogica iumors (cerv x, ovarium), 9 pat ents with ovarian cancer and 4 patients wlth car cinoma of cervix. Results: Hrstology showed seven times ovarial ep the al carcinoma, tw ce nonep thelial ovarial carcinoma, twice sp nocelular cervical carc noma, one adenosquamous and one lymfoeplthelloma I ke carctnoma. We reported lymphocele as the most often postoperat ve complication bV f ve patients w th ovarial carcinoma, lymphoedema of lower llmbs ln one case and one of them complicated by b Lateral hydronephrosis. After surgery procedures of cervica carcinoma, there was a stenos s of cervical canal w th postoperative correction. Ln one case there was provided vag na revision of cervix followed by embolisation of uterine arteries because of heavy bleed ng in early postoperative penod. After two years folLow up, there are l2 patienls in remission. There were four patients with fert ily plan. two with ovarlal carc noma, two with cerv cal carcinoma The flrst group describes two pregnancies - one m sscariage and one spontaneus abour in the date of delivery. There were 4 pregnancies Ln two patients w t cervica carcinoma. One patient has an lntrapartal cesarean sectton because of scarring of the cervlx after the operation. Next patients has two labours n due date, three labours a34-31t\ week of pregnancy and one misscar age ln 23 week of pregnancy. One pat - ent has ovarial cancer during pregnancy, so the radica fertLl ty preserving surgery was done after del very. Conclusion: Methods and procedures of surgery wlth fert lty preservrng goals n our oncogynecolog cal centre are in concordance with actual knowledge of medLcine and respect oncoLogica safety of patienls with mal gnancies, who current y w sh for fertil ty preservlng treatment, Presented group of patients is relatively small, but resuits of oncological treatment and fertl ty plan demonstrate rightfulness of this tretament.

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