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Prototypování jako součást interdisciplinárního kurzu informatiky

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Title in English Prototyping as part of interdisciplinary course Informatics

ČERNÝ Michal

Year of publication 2015
Type Chapter of a book
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Citation ČERNÝ, Michal. Prototypování jako součást interdisciplinárního kurzu informatiky (Prototyping as part of interdisciplinary course Informatics). In Černý, Michal; Mazáčová, Pavlína. Tablet ve školní praxi. 1st ed. Brno: Flow, 2015, p. 137-142. ISBN 978-80-88123-02-6.
Description Informatics thinking among the topics that are currently in relation to teaching science primary and secondary schools greatly debated. Not in the sense of the course development instrumental skills, with specific applications, such as office suite or Internet Browser, as they undergo major changes, both in terms of graphic design, as well as functional equipment or gravity load of the instrument. Traditionally in informatics thinking skills include mainly technical nature, development of algorithmic thinking and programming, mathematical skills and the like. In this We would like to mention another area, which in this context does not pay much attention, namely application design and appearance of graphical interfaces. It is a topic that is very close to the issue social science, human-computer interaction (HCI, human-computer interaction), software studies, but also to other disciplines and has a strong interdisciplinary character. It can easily identify cross-curricular links to art and aesthetic education, but the application design is closely related to the issue of inclusion as a social and, especially, health, the multicultural aspects, but also the need for linguistic competencies, when pupils will learn think about how to translate (and possibly reconfigure) any elements. Quite naturally then offers a link to the programming, coding and mathematics.
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