Publication details

Cross-cultural variation in citation practices: A comparative analysis of citations in Czech English-medium and international English-medium linguistics journals



Year of publication 2015
Type Chapter of a book
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Description This investigation explores cross-cultural variation in citation practices in a specialized corpus of linguistics research articles published in an established international linguistics journal and a Czech English-medium journal. While considering such factors as frequency, language of the source, type of academic publication, recency, integral vs. non-integral form and rhetorical move in which the citations occur, the investigation attempts to find out how Czech authors use citations to enhance the persuasiveness of their discourse and to what extent they have adopted the conventions of the dominant English-speaking academic discourse community. The aim of the study is to highlight the differences existing between central and peripheral epistemologies and literacies and the significance of the changes that the Czech academic discourse community is undergoing when striving to get access to disciplinary networks and become an integral part of globalized academia.

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