Publication details

Základy analýzy položek a testu s využitím Raschova modelu

Title in English The basic of item analysis using the Rasch Model


Year of publication 2015
Type Workshop
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Social Studies

Description The Rasch Models (and Item Response Theory, IRT) has some advantages against Classical Test Theory (CTT). They don’t have assumption of normal distribution of observed scores; parameters estimation is independent on research sample. The fundamentals of IRT are not the test as whole but single item, which facilitate test and especially parallel forms development. Another advantage is simpler Differential Item Functioning (DIF), which can lead to higher test fairness. We will focus on theoretical introduction to IRT and Rasch Models, basic of work with Winsteps software, estimation of model, item and respondents parameters. We will continue to DIF analysis, PCA of residuals and some other techniques. At the end possibilities of Rasch Model use will be introduced. Basic statistical and psychometrical knowledge at the level of introductory psychological courses and experience with CTT item analysis are expected. Basic knowledge of IRT is advantage.

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