Publication details

Edukační potenciál muzea a výzkum národní identity

Title in English The educational potential of museums and research on national identity


Year of publication 2015
Type Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Description Conference contribution brings insight into the museum and school cooperation and also discusses the social and educational potential of modern museums. Museums are a place that contributes not only to the transmission of information, but also to the preservation and building cultural values and participates in the personality cultivation. Museums as cultural institutions are so inextricably linked with the history, culture and identity of man, especially with national identity, which is today one of the main components of human identity in general. The conference contribution therefore seeks to integrate the topic of museum education with its usability for the school environment and (not only) in the context of the national identity of pupils. It also discusses how it is possible to hold researches on the theme of national identity in museums.
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