Publication details

Od veřejného prostoru k nákupním centrům: svět cizinců a jeho regulace

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Title in English From public space to shopping centres: the world of strangers and its regulation


Year of publication 2015
Type Monograph
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Social Studies

Description This books shows that the seemingly unambiguous problem of shopping malls vs. public space is rooted in a complex and sociologically deep issue of regulation of space and the production of order in the everyday world. Two basic ways of regulation are identified in the book: internal regulation (which tends to be tacit and intersubjective) and external regulation (performed by means of formal social control). The functioning of these two forms is demonstrated with reference to public space of the modern city and to shopping malls, which, over the past twenty years, have re-defined the way we spend our time in the city.
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