Publication details

Umění knižní vazby. Česká nakladatelská vazba konce 19. a začátku 20. století.

Title in English The art of bookbinding. Czech publishers’ binding of the late 19th and early 20th centuries


Year of publication 2016
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description The main goal of this contribution was publishers’ book bindings on the turn of the nineteenth and twentieth century. Publishers’ book binding of this period reflected cultivated period taste, style and technical possibilities as the other graphic or art-craft medium. Prague publishers of this period (E.g. J. Pospíšil, I. L. Kober, F. Topič, J. Otto, J. R. Vilímek and others) reflected this fact and this style progress can be observed especially in book binding. There are book bindings of historicist style, primarily so called Leipzig bindings, so called talking binding and Art Nouveau binding. Despite industrial character of publishers’ book bindings represent these bindings rich area, which documents the transformation of handmade and artistically decorated books into the form, which is today called industrial design.
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