Publication details

Binocular Vision Quality of Professional and Amateur Sportsmen



Year of publication 2016
Type Conference abstract
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Medicine

Description Binocular vision works properly with good fusion vergences and accommodative amplitude. These parameters of binocular vision can influence performance of binocular visual apparatus. Other important parameter of binocular vision is stereoscopy vision which is developed on the base of inborn eye parameters and individual’s experiences. These experiences can be developed by sport activities, e.g. ball games. Many recent studies show us better stereoscopy vision in group of active sportsmen comparing other subjects. During our study we tried to find concordance of sport activity and subject’s visual performance. We compared binocular visual performance converted into school marks with school marks gained from trainers. According results of our study there is no important statistical correlation between binocular visual performance and marks from trainers. But we proved statistical important correlation between stereopsis and marks from trainers. Finally we compared some important parameters of binocular vision between professional sportsmen and amateur sportsmen. We found statistical important difference between some important parameters of binocular vision.

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