Publication details

Dobový soupis motet Nicolause Zangia z roku 1608 a jeho souvislosti

Title in English The List of Motets by N. Zangius (1608) and its context

MAŇAS Vladimír

Year of publication 2016
Type Article in Periodical
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Field Art, architecture, cultural heritage
Keywords Zangius; music ensemble; Liechtenstein; polyphony; motets
Description The study is dedicate to a unique document: a list of motets by Nicolaus Zangius (1580-1617) which survived among the inventories of sheet music and musical instruments from the Liechtenstein castle in Prostějov from Jakuna 1607 and 1608. The total of 38 Zangius' motets is set in the context of his remarkable life story and other, less numerous, sacred works created probably in the last ten years of his life which ended for unknown reasons in Olomouc, in the time when Zangius held a rather prestigious and well-paid position of the Kapellmeister for the Elector of Brandenburg in Berlin.
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