Publication details

Sňatek z rozumu? Výzkum a výuka v pregraduální přípravě učitelů na příkladu kvalitativního výzkumu

Title in English A rational marriage? Research and teaching in pregradual teacher training on an example of qualitative research

LOJDOVÁ Kateřina

Year of publication 2016
Type Article in Periodical
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Field Pedagogy and education
Keywords qualitative research research-based teacher education student teachers student teachers training teaching-research nexus
Description This critical study describes teaching-research nexus in student teachers education on an example of qualitative research. We progressively analyse two discourses: teaching-research nexus at universities including terminology and concepts connected with this nexus, where we discuss duality of teaching and research on examples from Czech and international context. The other discourse concerns the case of qualitative research in teacher training and the benefits of this conjunction for student teachers and for university teachers. The study concludes with a summary of benefits and threats of teaching-research nexus for development of educational science itself, for autonomy of academics and for the teaching profession.

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