Publication details

The Charters of Emperor Sigismund in the Digital Age. Regesta Imperii XI Neubearbeitung and RI-online: Current State and Possibilities for Further Development



Year of publication 2015
Type Article in Periodical
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Web Digitální knihovna FF MU
Field History
Keywords Emperor Sigismund of Luxembourg; Charters; Editions of abstracts;Online databases of charters
Description This study introduces the reader to the on-going re-edition of the abstracts of Emperor Sigismund’s charters within the Regesta Imperii series and their parallel publication at the RI-online portal. The project team prepares new volumes containing Sigismund’s charters from the Czech Lands and Hungary, while simultaneously a partial emendation of the existing old abstracts by Wilhelm Altmann in the RI-online database is undertaken, due to the complications caused up to now by their brevity and their system of abbreviations.
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