Publication details

Může sérová hladina vitaminu D ovlivnit délku hospitalizace seniora?

Title in English Can serum level of vitamin D influence a lenght of senior's hospitalization?


Year of publication 2016
Type Article in Periodical
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Medicine

Field Other medical specializations
Keywords vitamin D; independence; bone remodeling; duration of hospitalization; cognitive performance
Description Introduction. Low serum levels of vitamin D have been repeatedly found in most of the middle geographic area population since routine vitamin D examination were introduced. There is an increasing amount of information available regarding the role of vitamin D in many important functions of the human body including muscle mass and muscle strength – one of important parameters of independence. The main aim of this work was to assess the relationship between vitamin D serum level and the independence level according to ADL test results and the cognitive performance according the MMSE results in seniors hospitalized because of acute health complications. Moreover, the relationship between vitamin D serum level and the course of acute health complications was studied. Results. We studied 151 hospitalized probands – 116 (77 %) women and 35 (23 %) men of average age 81,05 ± 7,44 years. The serum vitamin D level evaluation discovered 66,9 % of probands with unsatisfactory levels of below 37,5 nmol/l. Vitamin D serum level showed significant positive correlation with starting and final ADL test results (r = 0,29, p < 0,01) and MMSE r = 0,28, p < 0,01). Probands with higher starting vitamin D serum level achieved quicker recovery of ADL results. Conclusions. Two thirds of studied group of seniors did not achieve sufficient vitamin D serum level for adequate bone remodelling. Probands with higher vitamin D serum level showed higher level of independence according to ADL test results and better cognitive performance according to MMSE test results. Quicker independence restoration following acute health complication was found in patients with higher vitamin D serum level.

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