Publication details

Dny práva 2017 - organizační garant sekce Princip autonomie vůle ve vztazích s mezinárodním prvkem

Title in English Days of Law 2017 - organisational guarantor of the section The Principle of Party Autonomy in the International Environment


Year of publication 2016
Type Conference
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Law

Description The principle of party autonomy is one of the fundamental principles governing Private International Law. Manifestations of this principle varies depending on the area which is at stake. In the area of conflict-of-laws it is a choice of law, in the area of international procedure it is represented by choosing the way of dispute resolution, or prorogation. This principle is also reflected in the area of uniform substantive rules or non-state rules. The principle of party autonomy has gained its widest acceptance in the field of contractual obligations, where it constitutes a fundamental basis. However, it has gradually broken into other areas of cross-border relations (e.g. non-contractual obligations, family or succession relations). This is evidenced by the regulations adopted at international, EU and national level. The section will deal with the principle of party autonomy, its manifestations, limitations and regulations on international, EU and national level. We welcome papers concerning not only contractual obligations, but also other areas of cross-border relationships. Papers may deal with the party autonomy in the area of conflict-of laws (choice of law), international procedure (prorogation, party autonomy in international commercial arbitration and alternative dispute resolution), uniform substantive rules or non-state regulation of cross-border relationships

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