Publication details

Proč ten pneumotorax nemizí? (Kazuistika)

Title in English Why won't this pneumothorax disappear? (a case report)

BRAT Kristián ČUNDRLE Ivan

Year of publication 2016
Type Article in Periodical
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Medicine

Field Pneumology
Keywords pulmonary emphysema; Swyer-James-MacLeod syndrome; bronchiolitis obliterans
Description We report a case of a young patient with a rare syndrome characterized by the presence of localized pulmonary emphysema that was misdiagnosed as pneumothorax. Fortunately, thoracic drainage was not performed in this patient. Based on a typical history and radiological findings, Swyer-James-MacLeod syndrome was diagnosed. This clinical/radiological syndrome is characterized by the presence of unilateral localized pulmonary emphysema. We report two other cases of patients with Swyer-James-MacLeod syndrome and present their radiographic records along with the results of their lung function tests.

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