Publication details

Interdisciplinarita jako nutnost: Psycholingvistika a výuka češtiny jako cizího/druhého jazyka pro děti

Title in English Interdisciplinarity as a necessity: Psycholinguistics and teaching Czech as a foreign/second language


Year of publication 2016
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source CASALC Review
MU Faculty or unit

Language Centre

Field Pedagogy and education
Keywords Czech for foreigners; children; psycholinguistics; teacher training
Description Attention is paid to how psycholinguistic research can contribute to effective language acquisition and language teaching within the area of Czech for children-foreigners´ education. Basic principles and phases of language acquisition, typical phenomena and processes connected to a plurilingual situation are sketched. The importance of language contact in one´s mind (for example interference) is mentioned. We consider knowledge of psycholinguistics as an essential part of competences of teachers who teach (not only) Czech as a foreign language for children.

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