Publication details

Aritmetické postupy v algebraických úlohách používané nadanými žáky na 1. stupni ZŠ

Title in English Arithmetical Approaches to Solving Algebraic Tasks by Gifted Pupils at Elementary School


Year of publication 2017
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Svět nadání
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Field Pedagogy and education
Keywords gifted pupils; algebraic thinking; word tasks that lead to equations; strategies of solving
Description One of the unpopular parts of school mathematics is algebra. Students struggle to change the way of their arithmetical thinking, which they are used to using at school. One of the possibilities how to help students to start using algebraic thinking is to introduce word problems that lead to equations. These word problems can be introduced even at the primary level of education. It is very importan t to pay attention to the strategies that the students are using to solve the word problems as it may indicate whether they are using arithmetical or algebraic way of thinking. The following study aims to look into the way of thinking of talented students at the primary level of education. It is generally believed that talented students don't have problems at school. We observe if this is the truth for word problems that lead to equations, or if talented students need conscious guidance.

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